
Apropo de behaviorism, conditionari si impactul mediului asupra dezvoltarii individului:" .... dati-mi 12 nou-nascuti sanatosi si, utilizand principiile behavioriste, va garantez ca pe oricare dintre ei, luat la intamplare, pot sa-l pregatesc pentru a deveni medic, avocat, artist, comerciant si, da, chiar hot, indiferent de talentul, tendintelle, abilitatile si rasa stramosilor sai..." (J. Watson)

New blood joins this earth
and quikly he's subdued
through constant pain disgrace
the young boy learns their rules
with time the child draws in
this whipping boy done wrong
deprived of all his thoughts
the young man struggles on and on he's known
a vow unto his own
that never from this day
his will they'll take away
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me

so I dub thee unforgiven
they dedicate their lives
to running all of his
he tries to please them all
this bitter man he is

throughout his life the same
he's battled constantly
this fight he cannot win
a tired man they see no longer cares
the old man then prepares
to die regretfully
that old man here is me
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me
so I dub the unforgiven
you labeled me
I'll label you
so I dub the unforgiven


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