Noua mea obsesie

De obicei cand mi se pune pata pe o melodie o ascult la nesfarsit o saptamana sau doua pana ma plictisesc. Printre fostele mele obsesii se numara:Albastru- Luna Amara,
Stuck in a moment- U2, Oh me- Nirvana, Savin' me- Nickelback, Limbaj de cartier- BUG Mafia etc etc.
Ta na na: va prezint noua mea obsesie: Enjoy the Ride- Morcheeba

Aici aveti si versurile:

"Shut the gates and sunset
After that you can't get out
You can see the bigger picture
Find out what it's all about
You're open to the skyline
You won't want to go back home
In a garden full of angels
You will never be alone

But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

If you close the door to your house
Don't let anybody in
It's a room that's full of nothing
All that underneath your skin
Face against the window
You can't watch it fade to grey
And you'll never catch the fickle wind
If you choose to stay

But oh the road is long
The stones that you are walking on
Have gone

With the moonlight to guide you
Feel the joy of being alive
The day that you stop running
Is the day that you arrive

And the night that you got locked in
Was the time to decide
Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride

Stop chasing shadows
Just enjoy the ride."

Enjoy! Ar trebui sa ma opresc aici ca deja devin dependenta. O sa mai scriu numai dupa ce termin de invatat la scoalara, ca sa ma recompensez.


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